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Protrait of Bryan Bobbitt with arms crossed.


for Brevard County Commission District 1

You can count on Bryan to fight for you

Bryan will stand strong for a cleaner and healthier environment, smart development, affordable housing and economic opportunity for workers. 



Place the financial burden for infrastructure to accommodate new development on the developers, not the county and taxpayers. This includes developers pay for roads, flood control, water mains, sewer systems and other infrastructure needed to accommodate the growth.

Create a countywide tree ordinance that ends clear cutting of wooded lots and requires developments to provide tree canopy coverage throughout the subdivision and ensures replacement trees are large enough to be maintained by new homeowners.


Hold municipalities, the county and private sewage system operators responsible for cleanup and damage abatement caused by sewerage leaks that end up in our waterways.

Adopt countywide practices to create a more environmentally friendly landscape, starting with simply requiring state and county landscapers to pick up trash before mowing alongside roadways.


Require that new developments set aside at least 10 percent of homes and multi-family units as affordable housing, with affordable defined as within the income of the average homeowner throughout the community and at least 30 to 40 percent below the asking price of other housing in the development.

Adjust budgets to prioritize homeless prevention programs.

Funnel grant money to homeless initiatives and to mental health programs that serve people who are homeless, including veterans.


Ensure that any tax breaks to lure companies here go to companies that are providing livable wages for all employees, including support staff and contracted personnel such as janitors and cafeteria workers.

Work closely with economic development agencies to ensure good-paying entry-level jobs come to North Brevard as well as to more populous areas of the county.

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